Courtepointe Québec Quilts
Guilds Services

Here are a few services offered by Courtepointe Qu�bec Quilts to the guilds in the province of Quebec.

Advertising Quilt Shows on the Web Calendar

Every guild in the province of Quebec may advertise, on the C.Q.Q. web calendar, the quilt shows they organize. This service is free. Just send an email to [email protected] or phone the C.Q.Q. Website Contact.

Please mention the following: name of guild, dates and hours of the show, address where the show will be held. It is also possible to mention the name of a contact person for information, and a few words describing the activities (ex.: tea room, door prizes, raffle, vendors, etc.)

Your collaboration will be appreciated in providing the information both in French and in Enblish. If you choose not to do so, the Website Contact will translate the information given and no changes will be made afterward.

Advertising Quilt Shows in Le Journal

Every guild in the province of Quebec may advertise their quilt shows in Le Journal sent to the C.Q.Q. members twice a year. This service is free. Just send an email to [email protected] or contact the editor.

The same information as the one for advertising on the web calendar is needed (see above).


If they respect some conditions, the guilds of the province of Quebec that wish, are entitled to receive a C.Q.Q. rosette to award during their show. For ordering a free rosette, please read the information on the Rosettes page.

Quilt Racks

Courtepointe Quebec Quilts owns 40 quilt racks that can be used by the guilds of the province of Quebec. More information is available on the Quilt Racks page.

Education Grants

Each year Courtepointe Quebec Quilts awards education grants to help the guilds develop their knowledge of quilting and quilting techniques. The information on how to apply for a grant can be found in Le Journal that is sent twice a year to the C.Q.Q. members.